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2024 Tucson Airport Authority Membership Nominations

Nomination Period

The following information is provided to Active Members and Emeritus Members who wish to nominate new members to join the Tucson Airport Authority (the TAA), Active Members who wish to place themselves in nomination to serve on the Board of Directors, and Active Members nearing the end of their term who wish to apply for a five-year extension as an Active Member or to apply for consideration to transition to Emeritus Member status. This information may also be useful to potential new members.

The nomination period opens on April 1 and closes on October 1 of each year. With the exception of emeritus requests, all nominations are due no later than 11:59 p.m. on October 1. Forms may be submitted to the TAA Clerk electronically by email or by postal mail.


Mailing Address:
Tucson Airport Authority
Attn: TAA Clerk
7250 S. Tucson Blvd., Ste. 300
Tucson, AZ 85756

New Member Nominations

Each year, members of the TAA may nominate for membership eligible individuals from the community who have demonstrated an interest in the promotion of air transportation and commerce to fill membership vacancies, as appropriate (refer to “Who is eligible to become a Member?” below).

The Nominating Council is tasked to review nominations submitted by the October 1 deadline and make recommendations to be acted upon during the Annual Meeting the following January. This process includes an assessment of current Membership and identification of needs, guided by the Bylaws, Membership Policy, and the best interests of TAA to identify and cultivate potential new membership candidates who have the appropriate motivation, knowledge, relationships, and skills to fill TAA needs, meet the Membership Policy criteria, and support TAA long term sustainability.

How many members are there in the TAA?

Pursuant to the TAA Bylaws, the TAA’s membership is comprised of up to sixty active members who are residents of Tucson International Airport’s service area, which includes the general Southern Arizona region.

As of April 1, 2024, there are fifty-seven (57) Members, including one (1) Member whose membership is currently tolled pursuant to TAA Bylaws § 2.1.3. Four Members will reach the maximum of twenty (20) years of service in or before January 2025; therefore, the TAA has the opportunity to add up to seven (7) new Members in 2025.

Who is eligible to become a Member?

Residents who live in and maintain their primary residence in the Tucson International air service area, which includes the general Southern Arizona region, who have indicated their interest in the promotion of air transportation and commerce, and support the mission and vision of the TAA. The Nominating Council may also consider the guidelines below when reviewing nominations.


  • Must care about and be committed to the quality of life for southern Arizona residents and the role TUS plays in impacting the well-being of the larger community; has demonstrated community service.
  • Must be a person of moral courage and integrity; has strong ethical values.
  • Has a passion for life and history of service to this community.
  • Can represent the diversity in our larger community.
  • Active or retired, with a history of success in his or her vocation.
  • Must be willing to become the TUS’ greatest advocate in the community.
  • Must be a resident of TUS’ service area.
  • Must be willing to provide an up-to-date resume upon request.

Are there membership restrictions?

Adopted in August 2021, Section 2.1.3 of the TAA Bylaws states that individuals who are elected officials or high-level employees of any branch or level of government, except for elected officials or employees of indigenous/tribal nations and public educational institutions, are not eligible for TAA Membership.

“High-level” is defined as “any position that exercises decision making authority over a significant range of strategic or tactical matters involving that governmental entity or a division/department of that governmental entity.” On the advice of the TAA’s General Counsel, the Nominating Council shall determine whether an individual’s position falls within this definition.

What is considered a "complete" nomination packet?

To be accepted, the nomination packet must include the following:

  1. New Member Nomination Form (Signed and dated by a current Active Member or Emeritus Member)
  2. Statement of Interest Letter
  3. Resume
  4. Biographical Information (e.g., company profile, website, or LinkedIn profile)
  5. Executed Disclosure Statement

New Member Nomination Form

Member Disclosure Statement

Continuing and Emeritus Membership

Active Members who have met their service obligations under the TAA Bylaws have the option to continue their membership or transition to Emeritus Member status.

Continuing Membership

Active Members are appointed to the TAA for an initial term of fifteen (15) years. Any member may apply to continue as an Active Member for one successive term of five (5) years, or twenty (20) years combined. All Active Members must apply to transition to Emeritus Member status after twenty (20) years, or their TAA membership expires automatically.

Emeritus Membership

Active Members who have completed a minimum of ten (10) years of service may be considered for Emeritus Member status. Emeritus Membership is limited to those members who have provided distinguished service to the TAA over a sustained period of time.

Emeritus Members have the following privileges:

  • They have an open invitation to attend all of the TAA’s business meetings, but they are not entitled to vote
  • They are invited to all TAA membership social functions;
  • They retain parking privileges at the airport as provided to all TAA members; and
  • They may be utilized as invited and, if willing, as consultants to the TAA on special issues.

Requests to transition to Emeritus Member status are accepted at any time throughout the year and are not tied to the annual nomination period of April through October.

Continuing and Emeritus Form

Board of Director Nominations

The Board of Directors consists of at least seven (7) and no more than eleven (11) members, who are elected by the Active Members during the Annual Meeting in January. The Board of Directors establishes the “objectives and policies” for the organization, including hiring the President/CEO, who manages the administration of the TAA and the day-to-day operation of the airport system, which includes Tucson International Airport (TUS) and Ryan Airfield (RYN).

Members who desire to serve on the Board of Directors must submit a Board of Directors Interest Form and Executed Disclosure Statement. Supplemental information, such as a resume or biographical information, may also be included.

Director Interest Form

Member Disclosure Statement


Byron M. Jones, CMC
Tucson Airport Authority Clerk
(520) 573-4822

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Tucson Airport Authority
7250 South Tucson Boulevard, Suite 300
Tucson, AZ 85756
(520) 573-8100