The air traffic control tower at Ryan Airfield (RYN) is part of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Contract Tower program. It is staffed 6 a.m.-8 p.m. daily. As a reliever airport for Tucson International Airport, almost 87% of RYN operations are general aviation aircraft and most of the rest are military.
Links below to third-party providers are listed as a convenience for pilots who should verify the dates on the charts to ensure they are current. Pilots should consult appropriate NOTAMS that may be in effect. Data is published by the FAA NACO. The Tucson Airport Authority cannot guarantee the accuracy of information from third-party providers.
Pilot Communications
Airport Code | RYN |
Location Coordinates | Latitude N32°8.53′ Longitude W111°10.47′ |
Elevation | 2,418.9 feet / 737.3 meters (surveyed) |
Magnetic Variation | 12° East |
Hours Attended | 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday |
Tower Staffing Hours | 6 a.m.-8 p.m. daily |
Runway – Primary | 06R/24L – 5,503 feet by 75 feet |
Runway – Parallel | 06L/24R – 4,900 feet by 75 feet |
Runway – Crosswind | 15/33 – 4,000 feet by 75 feet |
Weather AWOS-3 | 133.35 Phone (520) 578-0269 |
RYN Tower | 125.8 |
RYN Ground | 118.2 |
TUS Approach | 273.6 128.5 |
TUS Departure | 273.6 128.5 |
Weather ASOS at TUS | (520) 295-5727 |
ARTCC | Albuquerque |
Fixed Base Operator

6201 S. Airfield Drive
(520) 744-7474
FAX: (520) 434-0439
Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday; 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday
100LL and Jet-A are available during FBO business hours. Self-serve 100LL is available at all times with major credit card. On call Jet-A is available after hours by prior arrangement (additional fee applies).