Passenger Information
Wheelchair and Special Assistance
Passengers must request wheelchair or other special assistance directly from their airline. To reserve a wheelchair, request other assistance, or get further information, please contact your airline before your flight. Click on your airline from the following links to submit an assistance request for your flight.
Alaska Airlines
American Airlines
Delta Air Lines
Southwest Airlines
Sun Country Airlines
United Airlines
ADA and Special Services
Terminal Map: Tucson International Airport (TUS) offers a map, located HERE, that shows accessibility features such as service animal relief areas, adult changing stations, nursing pods, and other services located throughout the airport campus.
Security Screening Assistance (TSA Cares): Travelers who require special assistance going through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoints must request assistance directly with the airline as part of making their airline reservation. Travelers with disabilities, medical conditions, and other circumstances requiring additional information regarding the security screening process should call TSA Cares, a helpline for travelers or their companions. It is recommended travelers call the helpline at least 72 hours before traveling with questions about screening policies, procedures, and what to expect at the TSA security checkpoint.
TSA Cares helpline: 855-787-2227 (Toll-Free)
TSA Cares hours of operation:
- Monday through Friday from 5:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. (MST)
- Weekends and Holidays from 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. (MST)
In addition, travelers who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to contact TSA Cares (Federal Relay 711) or email
The Tucson Airport Authority (TAA) recommends travelers review the TSA links below no later than 72 hours before travel:
- Disabilities and Medical Conditions
- Passenger Support
TSA Gate Pass: Public access beyond security checkpoints is restricted to ticketed passengers only. However, airlines may allow persons with special needs to be accompanied by an assistant(s) or guardian(s). These arrangements can be made at the airline check-in counter. Proper identification, including a government-issued photo identification card, is required. Once approved by the airline, the accompanying assistant(s) or guardian(s) will receive a TSA gate pass that will allow them to accompany the assisted traveler through the security screening, or to meet a traveler needing assistance arriving at a gate.
Hidden Disability Sunflower Program: Individuals with a nonvisible disability may receive a “HD Sunflower” lanyard at any ticketing counter or in the TAA badging office on the 1st floor. This lanyard signals to staff you have a nonvisible disability and may require additional time, assistance, or understanding during your travels. Lanyards are offered at no cost.
Arriving / Departing TUS
Passengers departing Tucson may use the curbside, which includes wheelchair accessibility cuts, in front of each airline at the terminal buildings to unload. Travelers who require special assistance going through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoints must request assistance directly with their airline as part of making a flight reservation. All airlines provide curbside wheelchair assistance, and the airline must be used to submit special assistance requests or to obtain further accessibility information from your airline. If your requested wheelchair assistance is not readily available when arriving at the airport, please notify an airport traffic officer or an airline employee.
Only active loading and unloading of passengers is permitted curbside. Federal security regulations prevent airport traffic officers from allowing vehicles to park at the curbside in front of the terminal buildings. If you wish to park, please use the Hourly parking lot. Another parking option, if picking up an arriving passenger, is to wait with your vehicle in the free Cell Phone Waiting Lot located on Airport Drive immediately west of the terminal area.
Designated reserved accessible parking spaces are available in the Hourly and Economy parking lots and in the Parking Garage. These spaces require official license plates bearing the disabled designation or other official documents issued by a municipality or state of residence to be prominently displayed on the vehicle while it is parked.
Please be aware there are no designated accessible parking spaces in the Daily lot. As an alternative, properly identified vehicles may park in the designated spaced in the Hourly lot and cashiers at the exit will charge the Daily lot rate. The lowest parking rates are in the Economy parking lot at East Corona Road and South Tucson Boulevard which has shuttles that are wheelchair accessible. For additional information or to arrange for a wheelchair accessible shuttle, please call Ace Parking at (520) 573-4710.
Ground Transportation
Rental Cars: Rental car companies provide special access vehicles. Reservations are required. Rental car counters and vehicles are in the Rental Car Center, just outside the east exit of the terminal. Car rental information can be found by clicking here.
Other Ground Transportation Options: Accessible ground transportation services should be specifically requested when making the reservation. All ground transportation providers can be found on the commercial roadway in front of the main terminal. You can find information on taxis by clicking here. Other car and shuttle service information can be found by clicking here. Information on app ride services is located here.
Sun Tran, the Tucson region’s public transit system, is wheelchair accessible. The Sun Tran stop is also on the commercial roadway in front of the main terminal. Information about Sun Tran can be found by clicking here.
Navigating TUS
Moving Walkways: Moving Walkways travel at an incline leading to/from the east exit of the main terminal connecting passengers with the Rental Car Center and the Parking Garage.
Persons with disabilities may find it more convenient to avoid moving walkways. To do so, arriving passengers in baggage claim can take an elevator to the second level, then travel down the ramp from the terminal to the east exit. Departing passengers entering the terminal from the Rental Car Center or Parking Garage should stay to the left upon entering the terminal, take the ramp down to baggage claim, then ride an elevator to the second level to airline check-in. (NOTE – Departing passengers using app ride services, taxis and shuttles, are dropped off curbside in front of each airline’s check-in counter.)
Elevators: All public elevators in the main terminal (A Gates & B Gates) contain Braille, lowered control panels and foot-operated buttons, both inside and outside the elevators, to facilitate ease of use. There are five elevators located in the main terminal, three in the parking garage, and all are near escalators and/or stairs.
Drinking Fountains
Accessible drinking fountains and water refill stations are available near the restrooms on all concourses.
Service Animal Relief Areas (SARAs)
Before going through the TSA security checkpoint, animal relief areas can be found outside the east and west sides of the lower level of the terminal. Use the exit doors toward the parking lot nearest baggage carousels 1 and 7. Plastic bags and a container for disposal of solid waste are provided. After going through the TSA security checkpoint, on Concourse A and Concourse B, animal relief areas can be found immediately after the checkpoint.
Blind / Low Vision Assistance
Access to Aira (Artificial Intelligence Remote Assistance and pronounced EYE-rah) is available at no charge to users while at Tucson International Airport (TUS). Using the video stream from a smartphone camera or smart glasses, the service combines GPS, artificial intelligence and augmented reality to connect blind and low vision travelers to live, sighted agents. These agents can then provide visual descriptions on demand to help travelers navigate through the terminal and stay updated on flight status.
Download the free Aira app by clicking here or for more information call 1-800-835-1934.
If you anticipate receiving a page or wish to leave a standard audible page, visit Lost and Found (open 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday, except holidays) or call (520) 537-8111 for assistance.
Emergency Services
For medical emergencies, trained TAA emergency medical technicians are available 247/365. Dial 911 from any airport house phone or cell phone for assistance.
Accessibility FAQs and Travel Tips
Does the TSA have a policy on handling service animals during the security screening process?
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) follows Standard Operating Procedures for processing passengers with service animals. To learn more, follow this link and select the Service Dogs and Animals option from the dropdown menu.
I’m flying with my service pet. What special arrangements do I need to make?
To learn how to travel easily with your service pet, click here.
Where are Service Animal Relief Areas (SARAs) located?
Before going through the TSA security checkpoint, animal relief areas can be found outside the east and west sides of the lower level of the terminal. Use the exit doors toward the parking lot nearest baggage carousels 1 and 7. Plastic bags and a container for disposal of solid waste are provided. After going through the TSA security checkpoint, on Concourse A and Concourse B, animal relief areas can be found immediately after the checkpoint.
What do I need to do if I’m travelling with oxygen?
If you need to travel with oxygen, be sure to discuss this with your airline when making reservations. For more information, follow this link and select the Respiratory Equipment section from the dropdown menu.
How do I file a disability-related complaint?
Please see the section titled ADA Policy & Disability Complaint Procedure.
How does a passenger receive special assistance?
Airline carriers provide special assistance for their ticketed passengers. To make the request, please contact the airline before the flight. See “Wheelchair and Special Assistance” in the Passenger Information section to make arrangements.
TUS offers Hidden Disability Sunflower lanyards at no cost for travelers with nonvisible disabilities. If you would like a lanyard to discreetly notify staff you may need additional time, assistance, or understanding you may pick one up at any ticketing counter or in the 1st floor badging office.
Where are the family restrooms?
There are family restrooms after the TSA security checkpoints on Concourse A and Concourse B. There are also three located pre-security, with two adjacent to the Welcome Lounges on the lower level, and one on the upper level near the American Airlines ticket counter.
Do you have an adult changing table?
There is an adult changing table in each of the family restrooms. There are family restrooms after the TSA security checkpoints on Concourse A and Concourse B. There are also three located pre-security, with two adjacent to the Welcome Lounges on the lower level, and one on the upper level near the American Airlines ticket counter.
There is also an adult changing table in the unisex restroom located by the United ticket counter.
How can I access a lift-equipped cab?
Accessible ground transportation services should be specifically requested when making the reservation. All ground transportation providers can be found on the commercial roadway in front of the main terminal. You can find information on taxis by clicking here. Other car and shuttle service information can be found by clicking here. Information on app ride services is located here.
Sun Tran, the Tucson region’s public transit system, is wheelchair accessible. The Sun Tran stop is also on the commercial roadway in front of the main terminal. Information about Sun Tran can be found by clicking here.
Tips for Traveling
A disability should not restrict passengers from traveling to destinations, both foreign and domestic. Before planning your next trip, please visit these links for a few travel tips.
ADA Policy & Disability Complaint Procedure
Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy
Tucson Airport Authority (TAA) assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, age, or disability (hereafter, the “protected bases”), as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (PL 100.259), and the Section 520 of the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, and related authorities (hereafter, “Title VI and related requirements”), be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity. The TAA further assures every effort will be made to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether those programs are federally funded or not. Any time communities my be impacted by programs or activities, every effort will be made to involve them and the general public in the decision-making process. TAA requires nondiscrimination assurances, as proscribed by the FAA, from each tenant, contractor, and concessionaire providing an activity, service, or facility at the airport. Assurances must be included in any related lease, contract, or franchise agreement between TAA and each tenant, contractor, and concessionaire, as well as in any similar agreements with their own sub-tenants and sub-contractors.
Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI should report the complaint to TAA. Federal regulations require the complaint to be submitted no later than 180 days from the date of the alleged incident.
To file a discrimination complaint, please complete the online form by clicking here. If you prefer, you can print the form located here, complete it, sign it, and return it to the TAA Title VI Coordinator by email (click on Title VI Coordinator title below) or postal mail at the following address:
Title VI Coordinator
Tucson Airport Authority
7250 S. Tucson Blvd., Suite 300
Tucson, AZ 85756
If the complaint is initially made by phone, it must be supplemented with a complaint in writing. Accommodation will be provided upon request to individuals unable to file a complaint due to a disability. Upon request, the TAA will also make available language assistance for persons with limited English proficiency as needed to file a complaint. For accommodations or language assistance, please contact the TAA Title VI Coordinator at (520) 573-4892. A copy of complaints alleging what amounts to a Title VI violation by airport employees, contractors, concessionaires, lessees, or tenants, relative to the airport’s aviation activities, will be forwarded to the Federal Aviation Administration.
Title VI Nondiscrimination Notice to the Public
The Tucson Airport Authority (TAA) maintains a policy that no person shall be denied of public services, employment, and program opportunities, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, creed/religion, disability, income status or limited English proficiency (LEP) as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statues and regulations. TAA is committed to making every effort to ensure nondiscrimination in all its programs and activities, whether those programs are federally funded or not.
Click here to view a copy of 49 CFR Part 21-1
Unlawful Discrimination
It is unlawful for airport operators and their lessees, tenants, concessionaires and contractors to discriminate against any person because of race, color, national origin, sex, creed, or disability in public services and employment opportunities. Allegations of discrimination should be promptly reported to the Airport Manager or:
Federal Aviation Administration Office of Civil Rights, ACR-!
800 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20591
Federal regulations on unlawful discrimination are available for review in the Airport Manager’s Office.
Click here for the poster.
ADA Coordinator
If you have a question concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 requirements, you can reach the Tucson Airport Authority’s ADA Coordinator by email here or call (520) 573-8100 during regular business hours, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Mondays-Fridays, except holidays.
If you have a question about navigating the terminal, accessing Ground Transportation or anything generally related to Tucson International Airport (TUS), please use this Contact Form to reach our Public Information Administrator. You should have a response within 48 hours.
To view the Tucson Airport Authority’s ADA Policy and complaint procedures, including the form to file a complaint, please click this button: